Heyyy… Loll…
“Hey… LOL” is a stand up comedy show, hosted by Emma and Michael Oluokun. The show focusses on online investigations, digital ephemera, and our own silly takes on the aforementioned. Featuring BIPOC and queer comedians, we have had 5 sold out and well-attended dates at Life World in Gowanus.
Hosted by Emma and Anne Lim, Family friends is a stand up comedy show featuring all-Asian comics… which is actually normal. If you think about it. First done on Zoom as a charity show in 2020, we raised over $1,500 for Safe Walks NYC. The most recent iteration of the show was hosted at Red Pavillon in Bushwick.
Family Friends
Jordan Show
Jordan Show is a late night talk show hosted by Jordan Coley. Emma produces, creative directs, and graphic designs for the show. Jordan has some of the most esteemed young minds in comedy, fashion, literature, and media on to chat. Next show at C’mon Everybody on 1/28 at 7:30pm.